I'm Back! With a weekly menu 12/12/21

Hey there. It's been about 12 years since I've posted a weekly menu here. I'm still doing weekly menus, but they end up on my phone, typically.​ It's the most wonderful (and most hectic) time of the year, so lets get back to some menu planning!

Sunday: Tree & Star Gnocchi (Aldi for the win!) with semi-homemade tomato sauce

Monday: Morning Star Nuggets and Field Peas

Tuesday: Thai Drunken Noodles with Chicken

Wednesday: Homemade Chicken Burrito Bowls

Thursday: Homemade wedding soup

Friday: Pizza Night!

Saturday: Take Out

Next Sunday is Jared's birthday, so we will have a day filled with food and ice cream cake. 

Have a delicious week!


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