weekly Menu 9/19/22

​It’s Monday! That means a new menu for the week. This week, we are doing quick and easy meals because, well, I just don’t wanna adult this week! 🤣

Last week, a friend gave us a dozen eggs from her chickens and the next morning we made egg toast and got a double yolker! The kids were so excited. 

double yolk egg toast

Here’s what we are having this week:

Monday: Cheese burgers and Curly Fries

Tuesday: Crunchy Beef Tacos

Wednesday: baked Chicken and Mac n Cheese

Thursday: Homemade Subs on King’s Hawaiian rolls

Friday/Saturday: Ingenuity Fest is this weekend, so we will go one of these days and get delivery pizza the other

Sunday: TBD

As always, let me know what you’re having. Have a delicious week!


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