Weekly Menu 1/22/24

Its Tuesday! Kids are home for an icy day. We have the lego sets and madlibs out today. It is a cozy day inside because it is cold and wet and gross outside.

Last week, I opened a block printing starter kit I got for Christmas and started cutting out a bunch of lino stamps. The kids got involved too. It was a lot of fun. My husband requested i make a gameboy stamp, and I got right to work! I was so proud of it and the instant I made my last little cut to finish the stamp, I realized that I forgot to flip the image when I drew it on the lino....

I tried over-inking it and folding it to transfer the right way, but it didn't really work out. Oh well, at least now I can use this stamp to stamp the design onto a new piece to cut..... sigh.

But I also made a cute little ramen stamp.

Here's the menu for the week:

Monday: Hamburgers and roasted red potato chucnks

Tuesday: Tomato and green pepper steak (a recipe from my dad)

Wednesday: Pesto Chicken Salad Sandwiches

Thursday:Dumpling Tacos ( a fun take on our normal pork potstickers)

Friday: Homemade pizza

Saturday: Stuffed Manicotti


Try to stay warm and healthy! Have a delicious week!


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