Weekly Menu 3/14/22

​Hey there! Last week was my birthday, so I didn’t post a menu because I didn’t really cook a ton. We went out to eat Monday and came home to a delicious homemade cake decorated by my children. 

Chocolate Birthday Cake

Fun fact about me: I LOVE BIRTHDAYS! I love to celebrate everyone and it just so happens, my oldest child was born 2 days before my birthday. This means we get to celebrate for like an entire week. It’s the best. 

Now, let’s move on to this week! It’s the lead-up to spring break (even if the weather here is totally wacko).

I also received my Southeast Asian food box I kickstarted back in 2020 from Homiah Foods. It took a while to get in-hand because they ran into so many hitches due to Covid regulations. Im so happy to finally receive it. The packaging is beautiful (see below) and I’m so excited to try out some of these spice kits. 

Monday: Gyros with pita and greek salad

Tuesday: Malaysian red curry with chicken and potatoes 

Wednesday: Thai yellow curry with paneer, rice, and naan

Thursday: Hummus bowls with roasted chickpeas and assorted veggies (radish slices, carrots, roasted broccoli, dill) and rice


Sat/Sun: TBD

Homiah Food Box

That is all for now. Share your menu in the comments.  Have a delicious week!


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