weekly Menu 4/25/22

​Happy Monday, friends. It was so nice this weekend! We spent the whole weekend outside playing and soaking up the sunshine (while it lasts). It’s going to rain later today and the temps are going to drop. That means I have to bring my plants back inside from the front porch for just a little longer. 

Lots of exciting stuff going on at the moment. In case you didn’t see on FB, my sister and I are starting an online plant shop. We will have a variety of houseplants, some rare plants, aroid soil mix (for all the philodendrons!), and some art pieces. We also want to make propagation mixed boxes where you can purchase cuttings of some of our fav philos or pothos. I even have some cutting of one of my 20yr old snake plant in rooting in water right now. Our shop isn’t open yet because we are still adding inventory, but it will be soon! 

Snake plant propagation

Now, on to the menu for the week:

Monday: Mexican chicken soup

Tuesday: Basil chicken 

Wednesday: Pizza

Thursday: TBD (I’m going to the Asian market this week. I’ll likely grab something there)

Friday: Delivery Pizza

Saturday: Dinner with friends 

Sunday: TBD

Thanks for stopping by again. Share your menu in the comments. 

Have a delicious week!


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