Weekly menu 7/25/22

​Happy Monday! There’s only a little over 3 weeks until school starts. Where has the summer break gone? We are finally camping this week, and likely getting rained on while there. Here is our menu for the week:

Monday: Pizza at the lodge

Tuesday: Hotdogs

Wednesday: Homemade pizza or pasta

Thursday: Grilled chicken and salad

Friday: Miso steak bites and grilled veggies

Saturday: Jared and I will be at a wedding and the kids will have fair with our neighbor. 

Sunday: TBD 

We went to Wizarding Weekend on Saturday and both kids wanted to dress up. On the way, we talked about what houses we think we would be in. I think I’m a Hufflepuff, Jared and G are Ravenclaw (although G thinks he should be a Gryffindor), and T is def a Gryffindor. What are you?

Wizarding Weekend

Share your menu in the comments!

Have a delicious week!


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