Weekly Menu 9/12/22

 Oh hey! It's Monday again and that means another menu coming at you. There's not a whole lot going on this week. I hope to get some type of artistic creation done this week. I have a few ideas of things to work on, so we will see what happens.

Last week, I made paneer butter masala. My husband likes to make fun of me because I use a lot of dishes when I cook and I LOVE to make complicated meals. The multier the task, the happier I am in the kitchen. Haha! Below is a video of the paneer cooking while I made the naan. I also had samosas  and aloo tikki (both store bought) in the oven. I would normally make rice with this too, but I sort of forgot it, so...

And my kids ate none of it (insert eye roll).  Oh well, thats just how it is sometimes. Here is what's up for this week:
Monday: Chicken Kebabs with Pita, Hummus, and Mediterranean Salad
Tuesday: Grilled Chicken and Salad
Wednesday: Pork Potstickers, Edamame, and Fried Rice
Thursday: Chicken Wings and Potato Wedges
Friday: Delivery Pizza
Sat/Sun: TBD
Hope your Monday wasn't too Monday-y. Let me know what you're having!
Have a delicious week!


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