Weekly Menu 11/14/22

 Am I writing up my weekly menu on Wednesday afternoon? Yes. Has this week felt like a month of Mondays? Also yes. Tis' the season, friends.

Sunday, I made Jackson County Veals and my oldest said he loved it more than chicken wings. That is the highest praise he can give. And if you aren't from Southern Ohio, you've probably never heard of a JCo veal. Its a pounded out pork tenderloin, coated in egg wash and cracker meal, then fried and eaten on a bun (with ketchup and pickle if you are sane, mustard and pickle if you are my husband). You may now be saying, "well, Suzy, that's just a pork schnitzel." No, you are wrong. 

It's also best enjoyed with a bottle of Ski, which I, sadly, cannot buy locally. You have to buy that in Southern Ohio too (or the general tristate area and southward). So, I had a Jackie O's Who Cooks For You instead.

Now, on to the food We are having (have already had) this week.

Monday: Veggie Soup and Grilled Cheese
Tuesday: I packed sandwiches and snacks and we went to drive-through Wild Lights at the Cleveland Zoo.
Wednesday: Homemade Pizza
Thursday: Panang Curry with chicken and rice
Friday: Homemade Samosas and garlic naan
Saturday: Fried Sausage and Rice Skillet
Sunday: TBD

Let me know what you're having. Have a delicious week!


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