Weekly Menu 5/8/23
Hello and happy Tuesday! I sort of forgot to post my menu yesterday. This week was one of those "go to the store and let the food speak to you" kind of menu planning.
We have 14 days of school left and are starting to talk about the things we want to do during break. I have a summer bucket list with things the boys have mentioned: laying on a blanket and looking at stars, camping, make ooblek, play kickball, visit ALL the playgrounds, go to the splash pad. And then there's things I added: make natural dyes/paints, make rice maps, take kayaks on the lake, visit the local beaches, tie dye shirts, and I secretly ordered a rubber band bracelet kit because they loved making them at Family Literacy Night. I will also sign them up for reading challenges and probably hit up a few story times. OR they will watch too much TV and eat too many goldfish. It could go either way..... hahaha! It's all about balance, right?
I'm also trying my hand (again) at making a lilac cordial, courtesy of @theblackforager on IG. I tried last year but I think the blooms were past their prime and I killed any remaining yeast with my tap water. This year's attempt is looking good so far!
Anyway, this is the week:
Monday- Chicken bowls with rice, field peas, and mixed raw veggies
Tuesday- Crab Cakes (recipe from 4hr body)
Wednesday- Grilled burgers and brussel sprouts
Thursday- Pork wontons (recipe from nomlife)
Saturday- We are having a yard sale! dinner tbd
Sunday- TBD
And that is all. Have a delicious week!
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